Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mississippi: Drinking Water?

This video report was on ABC World News last night, 07.14.09, this is America Today!!

High and Dry {gives video that's below}

A Mississippi community is struggling to get running water.

This is America, our America, our Wealthy? America, our Inclusive Flag Waving? Patriotic? Tolerant? America, Today!!!

Not in the far past but Today, the 21st Century, this is how some of our citizens are living while the Wealthy Get Extremely Wealthy, way beyond their needs, on us the People, and We Accept That!!


This is 'Infrastructure' that has Never been taken care of while giving businesses and corporations Huge Breaks to just move into communities having many abandon them some years later and moving overseas or to another location for more breaks! Not to mention the monies given to campaigns of the peoples representatives, millions, and some taking kickbacks, and people can't live in a modern world in these the United States!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is a sad time in these United States, when people don't have running or drinking water,like in Mississippi, yet we're getting ready to spend millions and millions of dollars on a high speed rail system from Dc to Richmond Va,. That tells me where "our priorty" the Government and not the people.I wonder what it's going to take for this cuountry to wake up. A country as rich as the United States of America, no one should be without running or drinking water. NO ONE!