Saturday, September 25, 2010

The 'american taliban' To Celebrate

This little get together, and venue it's taking place at, fits well into a new book that's been recently released, but doesn't as to the Military it's Oaths and Constitution of this here United States.

{Note: by the way if you haven't yet purchased and do so at link it would help this old vet who's exhausted his unemployment and living off savings and might have to do what he never planned, retire, and at the ripe young age of 62 which doesn't come about till december.}

The 'christian?' military crusaders we now have?, and apparently some really want!, american taliban at work!!

Christian rally at Fort Bragg to continue as planned

Sep 24, 2010 - A Christian rally open to the public will go ahead at Fort Bragg today, leaders at the post say, despite objections from national groups who say it's a violation of the separation between church and state.

In a letter this week responding to concerns expressed by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Lt. Gen. Frank Helmick wrote that he's confident the planned "Rock the Fort" event doesn't infringe on anyone's freedoms.

"I have taken steps to ensure that no soldier in my command is pressured in any way to attend this event," wrote Helmick, commander of the 18th Airborne Corps and Fort Bragg.

And what does a 21st century 'christian?' spokesperson have to say:

"It's kind of weird to me that anyone's upset about this," said Lou Nelon, church administrator at Village Baptist Church. "We're so involved with the military anyway, this doesn't seem out of the ordinary to us at all." {read rest}

Hello fundamentalist, and you officers of Bragg, of other religions that do same in using a religious faith to create even more hatreds by touting intolerance and in this country by blatantly going against the constitution the military is supposed to defend!

Haven't seen any reports of any more little get togethers, on military bases, as to Jewish or Muslim rallies coming up, nor for that matter any other practicing religion in our borders, just these 'christians?', stay tuned but don't expect announcements of!

“We all agree with the Taliban.”—Rush Limbaugh, October 9, 2009

As To The Spokesperson Above:

So do the Muslims and Jews as well as the Catholics and the many other Religious beliefs "Are involved with the Military as well, hell they serve in it!!"

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