Monday, September 27, 2010

Follow the Movement of Crime Guns in America:

Top Sources of Crime Guns in America

This map {at site} shows the differences among states' crime gun export rates. To trace the guns, click on a state above or a law to the right.

Every year, tens of thousands of guns make their way into the hands of criminals. This website examines where guns recovered in crimes were originally sold by gun dealers, using 2009 data collected by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). It also demonstrates how state gun laws help curb illegal gun trafficking.

Click a State or Law, at site

Gun Crime Study: 10 States Sell Half Of Imported Guns Used In Crimes

Nearly half of the guns that crossed state lines and were used in crimes in 2009 were sold in just 10 states, according to a report being released Monday by a mayors' group. {read rest}

As long as the responsible gun owners are silent as to their irresponsible brethren and the not so responsible gun groups and lobbyist are as well, while collecting dues and contributions not only from the irresponsible owners but the greedy and corrupt gun shop owners and fly by nights selling at gun shows the pressure stays on as to bringing stronger control laws into this societies needs!!

You either join in the cleaning of your own house or watch the pressure build for responsibility and the laws of this country and constitution!!

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