Wednesday, May 04, 2011

A Symbol of the Nation's Mood

So do some of us Americans! Especially when they are being done by many who have yet been asked to 'Sacrifice' and certainly they haven't 'Demanded' to, for over a decade now, as those of 9/11, Survivors of, the First Responders, the Police and Firemen/women and all in those communities, and Especially the Soldiers and their Families!!!!!

'Europeans Find the Ground Zero Celebrations Somewhat Embarrassing'

The death of Osama bin Laden has raised important questions about how far a country can go in the desire for revenge. In a SPIEGEL ONLINE interview, German political scientist Herfried Münkler discusses whether democracies can carry out targeted killings and talks about the "unthinking naïveté" of the American celebrations at Ground Zero. {continued}

Mostly college age kids, not joining the service, their parents and granparents not sacrificing and on and on. I understand some of the points some are making, they grew up in this time, but for us Veterans especially, some, it's DeJa-Vu all over again, us 'Nam Vets, and is just more of the magnetic ribbons, lapel flag pins, purple heart bandages, I'm an In Country 'Nam Navy Vet, and the rest of the whole 'Support the Troops!' phony and hypocritical meme's. Add on many who Are serving are doing so as non-citizens, bringing in the condemnation of immigrants, yet of this country and many of those have been killed and maimed.

‘We’ Got Him

May 3, 2011 - In early November 2004, I kissed my husband goodbye as he left for his first deployment to Afghanistan. I told him, my voice trembling as he walked toward the war, “Go and kill Bin Laden.”

Seven and a half years later, after three deployments to Afghanistan and five elsewhere, we learned with the rest of the world that the terrorism mastermind was dead. We watched on television as people around the country waved flags and sang the national anthem, celebrating the end of a man who had caused so much pain for so many.


But watching the spontaneous celebrations outside the White House and ground zero, we were struck by the paradox inherent in the cheering crowds. People, mostly in their 20s and 30s — the same age as our friends who have died and been forever injured — were cheering, “We got him!”


For nearly a decade of war, it hasn’t felt much like “we.” During this, the longest war in our nation’s history, a war fought by less than 1 percent of the population, the rest of the country has seemed mostly to ignore those of us in the military community, tuning in only for our scandals or deaths. And so “we,” in the context of victory, most accurately applies only to the very small number of men and women who have given more than any of us had a right to ask. {continued}

They start demanding 'Sacrifice' especially from the wealthy who've Really profited this past decade, and fully fund the VA, not done since Korea, as they don't complain about the ever growing defense budgets then they can cheer U.S.A. U.S.A. all they want!! That fully funding would have already been saving monies, the big show of false conservatism is the blocking of that full funding these past decades and not only as to the VA!

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