Sunday, August 28, 2011

Vets: Clean Fuel Standard Good

Vets: Clean Fuel Standard Good for National Security
Standard would reduce dangerous US oil dependence, save Americans billions at the pump

WASHINGTON, DC— Aug 18, 2011 - Today, in response to the release of the draft NESCAUM economic analysis of a Clean Fuel Standard, Michael Breen, an Iraq and Afghanistan War veteran and Vice President of the Truman National Security Project, made the following statement on behalf of Operation Free:

“America’s addiction to oil is a clear threat to our security. We send more than a billion dollars a day overseas for oil, and a dangerous amount of that money ends up in the hands of hostile regimes that don’t have our best interests in mind. We need to do all we can to end our risky oil dependence, and a Clean Fuel Standard will help do exactly that. The analysis released this week makes it clear: a Clean Fuel Standard will reduce our dangerous oil dependence.”

Clean fuel standards create jobs, reduce carbon emissions and help address the US addiction to oil. Extremists and hostile regimes get a great deal of funding from the sale of oil, the price of which is driven up by American demand. A Clean Fuel Standard will also reduce carbon emissions, the root cause of climate change. The Department of Defense, State Department, and CIA all recognize climate change as a direct threat to American security. read more>>>

Truman Project: National Security Manual 2010

Truman National Security Project

Operation Free


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