Monday, February 06, 2012

tea party Goes After Economic Green Growth & More

How to bury even deeper what has already been killed, that which once was in this country, become or join with the so called tea party. The loons of, many be old enough to have grown up and into the once envied economic growth this country had, as I did, before free market reaganomic capitalism, the innovations, hell we had started developing alternatives in solar and wind back some forty years ago, the innovative workforce of many hands on trades and professions, the growth of the middle class, the actual sharing in their labors with those they made business successful, the development of expanding product needs and advancing same, and so much more.

Activists Fight Green Projects, Seeing U.N. Plot
February 3, 2012 - Across the country, activists with ties to the Tea Party are railing against all sorts of local and state efforts to control sprawl and conserve energy. They brand government action for things like expanding public transportation routes and preserving open space as part of a United Nations-led conspiracy to deny property rights and herd citizens toward cities.

They are showing up at planning meetings to denounce bike lanes on public streets and smart meters on home appliances — efforts they equate to a big-government blueprint against individual rights.

“Down the road, this data will be used against you,” warned one speaker at a recent Roanoke County, Va., Board of Supervisors meeting who turned out with dozens of people opposed to the county’s paying $1,200 in dues to a nonprofit that consults on sustainability issues.

Local officials say they would dismiss such notions except that the growing and often heated protests are having an effect.

In Maine, the Tea Party-backed Republican governor canceled a project to ease congestion along the Route 1 corridor after protesters complained it was part of the United Nations plot. Similar opposition helped doom a high-speed train line in Florida. And more than a dozen cities, towns and counties, under new pressure, have cut off financing for a program that offers expertise on how to measure and cut carbon emissions. read more>>>

Hell bent on leaving the younger generations not even a skeleton of what this country once was, ashes of no recognition, and themselves being destroyed along with the rest of us!

The Tea Party's Newest Target: Sustainable Development
February 6, 2012 - There is crazy and then there is this: Tea Party activists have taken to calling local and state efforts to control sprawl and conserve energy a vast UN-led conspiracy to deny property rights and create “A one world order.” Uh, what? read more>>>

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