Thursday, January 03, 2013

Kabul Afghanistan: Sandy Hook Flag Raising Ceremony

While most of the Country gives little thought to the continuing conflict in Afghanistan, winding down as those serving want it to, especially those that cheered on the abandoning of those main missions, as those sent try to accomplish at least some of, for even sending the military into that region with the drum beats pointed at Iraq, they don't forget who and what they serve.

Even as those served still have yet to demand they sacrifice, especially their representatives even Rep Jeff Miller (FL), chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, votes no on fiscal cliff bill so his extremely wealthy shouldn't have to sacrifice as they profited off the no bid contracts and decade plus war defense spending, as these military personal and their families have.

These military personal, the well regulated and trained citizens militia, take time to Honor the so very young, their teachers and school administrators fallen of the Sandy Hook School mass killing!

01.2.2013 - National Guardsmen in Kabul, Afghanistan held a flag raising ceremony to honor those who lost their lives at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

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