Wednesday, January 22, 2014

'Lone Survivor' Should be a Start Point for Conversation

"If military action is worth our troops’ blood, it should be worth our treasure, too" "not just in the abstract, but in the form of a specific ante by every American." -Andrew Rosenthal 10 Feb. 2013

A conversation, and responsibility already ingrained in those served and automatic to fulfill, that should have started decades and wars of ago!

“This winter, meet your obligation and be a good citizen: go to the movies.”

McCasland, who says he has no problem with the movie, does a problem with that advice.

He fears that too many people will go see the movie and feel their civic obligation is done.

McCasland: Civic duty to vets more than seeing a movie
Veteran and social worker says 'Lone Survivor' should be a start point for conversation

Jan. 21, 2014 - Don McCasland, veteran of combat in Iraq as a member of the 101st Airborne Division, doesn’t get “spun up” easily, but when he does, he lets people know about it.

Following his wartime experiences, McCasland suffered from severe PTSD but sought help through free counseling offered by a Clarksville organization called SAFE (Soldiers and Families Embraced). As a result, he found a new mission, working to help others dealing with the after-effects of war.

Since graduating with a masters degree in social work, McCasland has been working as SAFE’s program director while he continues to work as a counselor for incarcerated veterans in area jails and prisons, while also working with military-connected kids twice a week at New Providence Middle School.

Beginning Feb. 12, he will also take on a role facilitating a combat veterans support group. read more>>>

"12 years also is a long time. We now have a lifetime responsibility to a generation of service members, veterans and their families." Dr. Jonathan Woodson 11 Sep. 2013: 'With 9/11 Came Lifetime Responsibility'

Rachel Maddow: "We got a huge round of tax cuts in this country a few weeks before 9/11. Once 9/11 happened and we invaded Afghanistan, we kept the tax cuts anyway. How did we think we were going to pay for that war? Did we think it was free?

Then, when we started a second simultaneous war in another country, we gave ourselves a second huge round of tax cuts. After that second war started. The wars, I guess, we thought would be free, don`t worry about it, civilians. Go about your business." 23 May 2013

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