Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Nation's "largest grassroots pro-troop organization": Conservative Con!!

Your 'Strong on National Defense' typical, political slush fund, remember the U.S. Navy Veterans Association, con job in all it's 'glory' of more DeJa- Vu 'supporting the troops' reality! Ya won't hear about this on the, Poser Patriot, FOX or Limbaugh type shows or sites!! Oh and only 'care packages for the troops' are another relatively cheap form of Poser Patriotism but does wonders for the bank accounts of the principles collecting the cash!!

‘Pro-Troop' Charity Repeatedly Misled Voters, Funneled Millions To Tea Partiers
08/05/2014 - In February 2013, Move America Forward announced an ambitious fundraising goal. The charity, launched in part by one of the most prominent figures in the Tea Party movement, had adopted the 800 Marines in a battalion fighting in Afghanistan and wanted to send them all care packages.

"For some troops, these care packages are the only mail they will receive all year," the group said in one email solicitation.

The charity later described the fundraising drive as a rousing success: In less than five weeks, all 800 Marines in a 1st Marine Division battalion nicknamed Geronimo were sent care packages and notes in Afghanistan, it claimed.

But that couldn't have been true. The Marines of Geronimo weren't even in Afghanistan during Move America Forward's fund drive. Instead, they were deployed more than 3,000 miles away, in Okinawa, Japan.

Move America Forward calls itself the nation's "largest grassroots pro-troop organization," and has recruited a bevy of Republican luminaries, including former Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney, to support its efforts. read more>>>

Pro-Troop Charity Misleads Donors While Lining Political Consultants’ Pockets

Last year, Move America Forward even solicited funds by claiming a partnership with Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, the largest hospital for wounded service members in the country. No such partnership existed, Defense Department officials say. read more>>>

Veterans' Affairs Bill Next Stop: President Obama's Desk ... FINALLY!!

The five Republicans in the House of obstruction, especially in paying for the wars and the long term results of, DeJa-Vu, who voted no on the still obstructed and grossly under funded needs, decades and wars from now, watered down once again, bill: Rick Crawford (Ark.), Walter Jones (N.C.), Jack Kingston (Ga.), Mark Sanford (S.C.) and Steve Stockman (Texas). Joining these Senators: Sens. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) , who had voted 'Nay' weeks back while the House delayed after!! None having any problems, Poser Patriots, in rubber stamping All the war costs, no mention of offsets, including the no bid private contracts, off the books till administrations changed and all borrowed, yet to be paid back!!

Was it Politics, to feed the Conservative 'scandal' needs especially in the Rep Miller House Veterans Affairs Committee attack hearings, or Greed Brought into VA Facilities{?} Where politics nor greed should ever cross those thresholds!!

These present wars, Afghanistan and Iraq, after abandoning the missions and those sent to accomplish so quickly after 9/11 to invade another, have yet to be paid for!!

Now it's time to for, Tea Party Republicans, All Republicans in full support of everything under the bush, to pay a price for standing in the way of legislation, decades long time obstruction and seeking VA budget cuts, that will save veterans' lives.

Congress is on a month long vacation{?}!

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