Sunday, April 24, 2005

Humanitarian Crisis - Again - WHY?

Darfur, Sudan Posted by Hello

  • At the Urls Below you will find Transcripts and Audio to Reports about Darfur and Sudan and the Humanitarian Crisis that Exists there! You 'Must' ask yourselves Why[?] do we keep having these Tragedies on the African Continent, Why[?] the so called 1st World Nations allow this to Continue and not give the Help Needed, both Political and Economical [as in the World Business Community] to bring this Huge Continent, and it's People, Forward!

  • Military Observer Outlines Continuing Attacks in Darfur Dispatched to the war-ravaged Sudanese province of Darfur to monitor ceasefire violations, former U.S. Marine Capt. Brian Steidle quickly accumulated hundreds of photographs of abuse, torture and atrocities taking place in the region, many at the hands of Sudanese government soldiers. Steidle discusses his mission and the attacks he witnessed while patrolling with African Union peacekeeping troops.

  • The Origins of the Darfur Crisis The conflict in Darfur dates back to early 2003 when black Africans from Darfur rebelled against the country's Arab Muslim leadership demanding a power-sharing government. The Sudanese government retaliated by sending in government forces to quell the rebellion. The government also reportedly organized and supplied the Janjaweed militia to combat the rebels.

  • Darfur's Refugees A look at a refugee camp in Chad, steps away from Sudan's border, where 10,000 Sudanese refugees have fled ethnic cleansing in their country's Darfur region.

  • Humanitarian Crisis A report on the growing humanitarian crisis in Darfur, where an estimated 10,000 black Africans have been killed by Arab militias

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