Saturday, April 23, 2005

Letter from a Gold Star Mom: Hide Your Children....

  • Unless you want them to kill innocent people and maybe die for lies, betrayals, mistakes, misadventures....frankly: in vain, needlessly, violently and stupidly. Or should I say: callously, brutally, for nothing.
  • Resist the draft. Resist it with everything that is in you.
    Do not let the maniacal, irresponsible Neo-cons who rule our country get ahold of your kids.
    Or anyone's kids.
    Dry up the human cannon fodder that the war machine needs to feed on to keep it going and that keeps the greedy-war mongers in Limousines, fabulous homes, incredible vacations and their kids (who will never have to go to bogus wars) in private schools..and out of the Army.
    Do not, and I say again, do not give them one of your kids to fatten the chicken hawk's pocket books.
  • Read this article on the upcoming draft:
  • If there is anyone reading this who has any doubts that the war machine will chew up and spit out as many of our young people as it can, read: War is a Racket, by Maj. Gen Smedley Butler. It is long, but if it convinces you not to let the Military Industrial Complex recklessly murder your child, then, hey, it is worth a few minutes.
  • If you're still not convinced, then read my speech: Pulling no Punches
  • For alternatives to joining the military/being drafted, go to the Conscientious Objector's site:
  • Please send this to anyone you know with children. The sleeping, hungry giant wakes up about every 12 years...and it wakes up even more insatiably ravenous each time. If WE THE PEOPLE continue allowing it to eat our children, it will keep eating them.
    How I wish I had this information before George and his evil crew slaughtered Casey...not to mention the tens of thousands of other innocent people in Iraq. I hope this helps someone.
  • Love and Peace
    Cindy Sheehan/Iraq 'Gold Star Mom'
  • ************
  • "It is certainly dangerous for a state when its citizens have a conscience; what it needs is men/women without conscience, or, better still, men/women whose conscience is quite in conformity with reasons of state, men/women in whom the feeling of personal responsibility has been replaced by the automatic impulse to act in the interests of the state." (Rocker, Culture and Nationalism, Michael E. Coughlan, 1978, p.197)

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