Tuesday, January 31, 2006

AMEN Fellow Vet and VFP Brother Stephen, AMEN!!!

From VFP Group Board: Letter to the Editor

The following Letter to the Editor was

Printed in the Courier-News, Central New Jersey, 11 Jan 2006

Printed in the Home-News-Tribune, Central New Jersey, 16 Jan 2006

Printed in the Trenton Times, 16 January 2006

Printed in the Herald News, North Jersey, 14 Jan 2006

Thought you'd like to see up to what I have been lately.
Stephen J Spiro


There have been a number of letters recently, here and in other newspapers, from people who assert that we are at war, the enemy is relentless, and we must use every means in our power to protect ourselves. In particular, they say, it is worthwhile to allow “illegal” wiretaps and other abridgements of our so-called civil liberties in order to protect ourselves. These same people are enthusiastic supporters of sending off our young men and women to kill and to die in order to protect us against “enemies of freedom”. Why is it all right for these brave young people to sacrifice their lives, their health, their youth for our freedoms, while others want to give up those very freedoms to save their own lives? These people are cowards and traitors, and deserve the utter contempt of their neighbors and of every decent American.

Stephen J Spiro


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