Tuesday, January 31, 2006

John Edwards: The America We Believe In, and....

The America We Believe In

by John Edwards, TomPaine.com
The former vice-presidential nominee sketches a vision of a nation that works for all of us.

William Rivers Pitt |
The State of the Union

William Rivers Pitt: In the interests of truth, the actual state of this union deserves to be displayed for all to see. This is the deal. This is how it is.

Georgia Stillwell |
Veteran's Mother's State of Our Family Address

George Bush is going to give us his state of the union, well this is the state of my family. People say to me he volunteered, he knew what he was getting into. My son was still a teenager, he had no idea what he was getting into. Can anyone really comprehend war unless they've been there? The war has come home ... it is coming home with each soldier. My son's body survived Iraq ... nothing else.

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