Saturday, January 14, 2006


This is More than just about 'RHINO' as he was a Part of The Whole, read on!

Rhino's Blog:
Political activism, commentary & satire from a 5th generation San Franciscan,
filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist

Rhino at his daughter Leah's wedding in October

A Cyber World friend, activist, humorist and so many other positive descriptions has left us! Those of you on Rhino's Newsletter List probably already know the Sad News as you also may have received the following:

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Our beloved Rhino is gone

It is with great sorrow that we inform the readers of Rhino's Blog that Gary Rhine has passed away. Gary died while doing something he loved - flying a small plane. The plane crashed in Lancaster, California, on January 9th at 1:40 p.m.

The funeral will be in San Francisco on Sunday the 15th of January:
Congregation Beth-Israel-Judea
625 Brotherhood Way
San Francisco, Ca. 94132
Services will begin at 1:30.

A memorial will be held in Los Angeles at a later date. That information will also be posted HERE when we know more.

If you would like to contact Gary's family, then you can e-mail his wife, Irene Romero, at:

The family thanks you for your concern. In lieu of flowers, you may choose to honor Gary by sending a contribution to one of the following two charitable organizations that Gary cared deeply about:

The Friendship House
56 Julian Avenue
San Francisco, Ca. 94103

Plenty USA
PO Box 394
Tennessee, 38483
(on the memo line, please indicate that the funds should be directed to the Rhino/Katrina Building Fund)

You can read Gary's {'RHINO'} thoughts, writings, activism etc. at: RHINO's BLOG
if not familiar with him, but many are and will miss him!

Though never meeting Gary personally we exchanged e-mails about a veriaty of subjects since I sort of accidently found him and a group of long time, very active, former Hippee's, who have been working for Social Change, Tolerance, Peace, Understanding, and so much more, after 9/11 and as talk of invading Iraq was building! I had known a little about The Farm Community founded by this group, through others, over the years. All of this group are Extremely Active Intelligent True Compassionate Human Beings and are Great Examples of what we should All be, and they are constantly trying to be the best examples, individually, they can be!

Gary was a part of a group of young activist who traveled from California to Tennesee and founded The Farm back in the early 70's. The description, from the top of the homepage, is a warm welcome:
The Farm is an intentional, spiritual community founded in 1971, based on the principles of nonviolence and a respect for the earth. Welcome to our new website. Enjoy browsing and consider visiting us often.

The original group is now much older, as we all are, and spread out in a number of area's in the United States, mostly West Coast, Texas and in Mexico. Being so, and with many arms of Activist Organizations started by the members, they named the whole 'PeaceRoots Alliance'.
RHINO's Blog explains much of what you might want to know about him as an individual.

The Farm explains what this band of activist started together way back when and their purpose.

PeaceRoots Alliance gives one more information of True Grassroots Organization from a Small Band of Caring People reaching out to bring Peace, Tolerance, Understanding to a complex world and gives you links to some of the extensions of their original.

Here is a list of just a few of the Organizations members have founded, or are a part of, and they continue:

The Friendship House SF

{some may remember Plenty in the aftermath of Katrina}

More Than Warmth
More Than Warmth is an educational project for students of all ages to learn about world cultures. It fosters understanding, knowledge, and compassion between cultures through nonviolent, nonpolitical, and nonreligious means.

This was a thought of Action, after the invasion of Iraq had started, by one of the members of PeaceRoots Alliance, Billboards with "Peace Is Patriotic" by one of this goup. It took off with the members setting up connections with billboard companies and they placed these in many area's of California and around the U.S.. It was so Popular other Groups jumped in putting up their own billboards with Similar Messages/Thoughts!

The above are just a few of the Connections/Organizations of this group. Visit the links to Learn More and find other links. Remember folks All of this started Long Before this type of Technology was Normal. These people, once again, are Great Examples of what Can and Should/Could Be Accomplished, through hard work and Caring, Understanding, using GrassRoots organizing and togetherness!
Gary Rhine {RHINO} was a part of the whole and will be missed, But what he started, along with the others, Will Continue, with Gary Now Watching Over and Giving a Nudge from Above!!

For those in Tennesee, who might have known Gary:
Farewell Rhino

There will be a memorial on The Farm, Sunday at 3:30 pm, to coincide
with the memorial in San Francisco.

With great sadness and loss we will honor our beloved friend.

More Than Warmth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear James, Thank you so much for letting folks know about our Red Rhino. It means so much to those of us who knew and loved Gary. I think it is important for folks just to know that such a person lived and worked with great effect upon the lives of people and the earth where we all live.

Such an outpouring of love and sorrow has come in, and I hope that Gary’s family knows how much we love and value Gary and the people around him.

I didn’t want to believe the terrible news. I knew immediately that Gary was ok, that he was in a good place and surrounded by love and light. But still, as the fact of his loss here, sank in, I was so upset that we would not have Gary to help us out in the work that he knew was so important. I was angry that we lost such an important and good partner for peace and justice on this plane. I know I was being selfish and attached, but, I will get over all that part. We all must pick up a big piece of work here in this place. For the lives of all we hold dear, and in his honor, we will shovel on. love,Eliz

Elizabeth Barger
PeaceRoots Alliance