Friday, May 02, 2008

Civilian PTSD

Just a quick diary, as I'm off to work in a minute.

Finally more is being done, understanding still not complete!

If PTSD had been taken more seriously and studied by more, after Vietnam when it was Finally recognized and Labeled, it's effects would have been understood much better today, especially as to Combat and Occupation PTSD, but also in any Personal Trauma's!!

Some now are taking it very Seriously and doing studies where they never thought of before!

Many kids suffer delusions after ICU stay

Some thought parents were impostors; study shows need to calm fears

Nearly a third of children who stay in a pediatric intensive care unit have delusional memories, including vivid and frightening hallucinations, that put them at far higher risk of post traumatic stress disorder, British researchers said on Thursday.

Anyone notice Who is doing the Studies?

“They reported seeing rats, cats and scorpions on the walls and in some cases crawling on the bed and a couple of children were convinced their parents had been replaced by impostors,” Gillian Colville, a clinical psychologist at St. George’s Hospital in London, said in an e-mail.

If you visit and read, keep in mind All that can and does happen to Children, traumatic experiances, and how this might shape their lives!

The findings were surprising because the researchers had assumed the actual experiences in the intensive care unit — where children are treated for serious illness, injuries or are recovering from surgery — might have been more likely to provoke symptoms of post-traumatic stress.

As well as the many types of Traumatic experiances of Adults!

Colville said the findings mimic research in adults, who also report higher rates of hallucinations after an intensive care stay and are at higher risk of post-traumatic stress.

And what Invasion, War and Occupation does to All civilian populations living within!

Original Article
Children's Factual and Delusional Memories of Intensive Care

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