Monday, March 22, 2010

After Austin Criminal Terror Attack

Union seeks to boost IRS employees' spirits

A union is enlisting lawmakers' help in an effort to improve the morale of Internal Revenue Service workers still reeling from the mid-February airplane attack that burned a Texas office to the ground and killed one employee.

The National Treasury Employees Union has asked lawmakers to supplement an early March House resolution condemning the Austin attack with letters expressing their support for the IRS workforce.

"In the wake of this tragic attack on federal employees and some very irresponsible comments reported in the media, NTEU would like to invite you to show your support for front-line government workers across the nation," the union wrote in a statement it is encouraging its members to give to their representatives. "Federal employees are dedicated and committed to our country and right now they need a strong show of support in the face of this senseless act that claimed the life of one of their own." -->-->-->

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