Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Veterans at #OccupyWallStreet

Marine Vets at #OccupyWallStreet Tells {chickenhawk} Sean Hannity to "F**k Off"
Chickenhawk Hall of Shame
When an American male (or an especially belligerent female) makes the challenging transition from late adolescence into early adulthood, he is faced with many decisions. One certain, specific combination of choices will result in his becoming a chickenhawk: choosing to “support” war, while also choosing not to serve in the military. His motto becomes: “Let’s you and him go fight; I’ll hold your coat.” the list>>>

Sean Hannity

Common Chickenhawk

December 30, 1961

Home State:
New York

Missed opportunity:


Lots of guys his age served in Desert Storm — what's his excuse?

"You walk into one of our rooms where ... decisions are being made about disabilities for veterans (and) see individuals sitting at a desk with stacks of paper that go up halfway to the ceiling. And as they finish one pile, another pile comes in," - U.S.V.A. Secretary Gen. Eric Shinseki, Feb. 10, 2009

"And so what I've been trying to do and what Mrs. Biden and Mrs. Obama and the chairman and his wife - all these folks, are trying to do is to - is to try and get that other 99 percent to - they all say they support the troops, but it's not just enough to say it." - Defense Secretary Robert Gates - 23 June 2011 - PBS News Hour

He found one of his biggest battles was connecting with Americans on the home front. "I was struck at how little they really did understand about what we've been through," Adm. Mike Mullen (retired) October 2, 2011 CBS Sunday Morning

Country Must 'Sacrifice' not just Groups Within nor Just Non Profits Fighting for Donations!

No Revenues = Still No Sacrifice = That's Called 'Support' For The Troops = DeJa-Vu all over again, Shared Sacrifice My A**!!
As those war profiteers who ordered are still profiteering and not only on books, their wealthy class does as well, directly or indirectly, and none are taxed to boot! No Sacrifice now a decade plus long added to the previous decades!!

“A nation that does not take care of its veterans has got no business whatsoever making new ones.” Stacy Bannerman, April, 2007

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