Thanks to Qatar's harsh desert environment and growing population, researchers have embraced the tiny country as a laboratory to address global concerns. As part of the NewsHour's series "Food for 9 Billion," special correspondent Jon Miller reports on their inventive efforts to ensure water and food security for the future. Transcript>>>
Watch Could Agriculture Bloom in the Desert? on PBS. See more from PBS NewsHour.
And away from the deserts to the forests and farming that was aired the day before:
As part of the NewsHour's series "Food for 9 Billion," special correspondent Sam Eaton reports on a push in Costa Rica to embrace forest preservation and biodiversity while keeping up with the demand for farming. Researchers are measuring the helpful roles of small animals like bats, birds and bees. Transcript>>>
Watch Balancing Costa Rica's Farming With Preservation with Nature on PBS. See more from PBS NewsHour.
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