Saturday, September 06, 2014

Bill 'Moyers and Company': Elizabeth Warren on Fighting Back Against Wall St. Giants

Full Show: Elizabeth Warren on Fighting Back Against Wall St. Giants
September 5, 2014 - In Oklahoma, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and her brothers grew up in “an America that invested in kids like us and helped build a future where we could flourish.” But, as she writes in her memoir, A Fighting Chance, “Today the game is rigged – rigged to work for those who have money and power… The optimism that defines us as a people has been beaten and bruised. It doesn’t have to be this way.”

Warren, a former Harvard Law School professor, is an expert on how Wall Street and the banking industry are destroying the middle class. She’s put that knowledge to powerful use on Capitol Hill, rapidly becoming the most authoritative and articulate voice of the Democratic Party’s progressive wing. Many are urging her to run for president. read more w/transcript>>>

"A Fighting Chance" - Elizabeth Warren

Much More Found At: Moyers & Company

5 September 2014 - Web Extra: Elizabeth Warren on Why “I’ll Never Be an Insider”

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