Friday, September 05, 2014

Bush-era Abuses, Bush-era Abuses Investigations

Up to 2,100 Photos of US Soldiers Abusing Prisoners May Soon Be Released
September 4, 2014 - Would the release of 10-year-old detainee abuse photographs, such as one depicting US soldiers pointing a broom handle at a hooded detainee's rectum, incite terrorist organizations and threaten national security?

That's a question government attorneys will have to answer next week when they explain to a federal court judge why as many as 2,100 unclassified photos of US soldiers abusing Iraqi and Afghan captives should continue to be concealed from the public.

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case, which resurfaced last week, is part of the American Civil Liberties Union's (ACLU) long-running lawsuit against the US government to obtain documents about the treatment of detainees in custody of the CIA and military.


Barack Obama inherited dozens of George W. Bush-era open-records lawsuits pertaining to Bush's post-9/11 interrogation program involving CIA prisoners and the treatment of detainees by US military personnel at prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Obama, who signed an executive order — one of his first acts as president — promising to usher in a new era of transparency and open government, had to decide whether his administration would fight various federal court rulings ordering the release of highly sensitive documents that laid bare the brutality of the treatment of detainees.

He acted on that pledge. In April of that year, Obama released memos written after 9/11 by a young Justice Department attorney named John Yoo authorizing the CIA to subject high-value detainees to 10 so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques," a euphemism for torture. read more>>>

A reminder, these actions weren't only carried out by our Military personal and often orders for didn't come from Military personal, they were overseen by the extremely quickly built and extremely expensive private corp merc army, still not paid for like both wars and the results from! Who quickly morphed into another intelligence gathering arm of our Government, In Our Names! And the actions of same got our Military personal killed and maimed in these theaters of occupation. Those from these countries and regions know full well what went down, long before it was open knowledge within our borders!

* * * The British Iraq War Inquiry * * *
Released will carry private communications between GWBush and TBlair, like this already released: TB said there was a danger the Tories would see this as their chance to get rid of him … Bush said they would make it clear to the Tories that if they moved to get rid of TB "we will get rid of them".

Iraq War Promoted Terrorism Rather Than Reducing It

U.S. Forms Anti-ISIS Coalition at NATO Summit

This is exactly, especially with all the support initially after 9/11 and thus using the combined intelligence communities and much more to go after al Qaeda, what should have been done by the bushco regime and teapub congresses!!

Instead they led the cheering country to quickly abandon the missions and those sent to accomplish after 9/11, with the full support and help from the media, and buying a coalition for the Iraq total disaster, thus causing the spread and growth of these al Qaeda style criminal terror groups!! It'll take decades, if ever, to reign in what those policies created, and all for free for the cheering U.S. population! Wars are yet paid for and DeJa-Vu all over again so are the results from including their responsibility the VA for which have yet to Sacrifice and fully fund, again, DeJa-Vu!!

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