Saturday, August 30, 2014

National Recruitment Effort of Medical Professionals to VA

Secretary McDonald Announces the Start of a National Recruitment Effort to Bring Needed Medical Professionals to VA

This is what Congress is charged to do, from both the Senate and House Veterans Affairs Committee's, as to the needs of the peoples responsibility, in this case, the Veterans Administration and the effects of the flag waving, Poser Patriotic, wars especially. Decades and wars from of not, as issues are ignored or blatantly denied they even exist to bolster the long conservative excuses for not fully funding. As they seek to privatize for corporate profit and thus build bigger budgets to increase that profit, bringing the private sector problems into all area's of the VA charges for us Veterans!

Congress should also, as the people's representative's, be helping the specialized higher education, industry now, facilities in whatever needs to recruit the high school grads into the fields of health care as shown by the dangerous low levels and problems from when a few years back the VA started recruiting trained mental health professionals and found the huge shortage of in the private sector to recruit from. And that's been seen also in other area's of the society and the many dangerous problems caused by that shortage of trained experienced health professional especially in mental health needs.

Recruitment of Additional Medical Providers Will Increase Access to Care

WASHINGTON – August 29, 2014 - Speaking to a crowd of medical students, residents and faculty at Duke University’s School of Medicine, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert A. McDonald today launched a recruiting initiative aimed at bringing the best and brightest health professionals to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) which will ultimately expand access to care for Veterans.

“At VA, we have the most inspiring mission and the greatest clients of any healthcare system in the world. That’s exactly the message I’m going to share as I speak with health care professionals and students about the value of serving at VA,” said Secretary McDonald. “We have taken action to get Veterans off of wait lists and into clinics in the short-term, but in the long-term, in order to provide timely access to care, we need to build capacity by hiring more clinicians. We need the best doctors and nurses serving Veterans, and that is why I will be out recruiting, leveraging the existing relationships and affiliations VA has with many academic institutions, and talking directly to medical professionals about joining us to fulfill our exceptional mission of caring for those who ‘shall have borne the battle.’”

VA is taking multiple steps to expand capacity at our facilities, to provide Veterans the timely care they have earned and deserve. In addition to Secretary McDonald’s direct messages to clinicians and clinicians-in-training, these steps include: read more>>>

In these present times, the past decade plus, two more wars and long occupations, after abandoning so quickly the missions and those sent to accomplish after 9/11, came with two tax cuts, huge for the wealthy. Neither of these wars have yet to be paid for. The monies requested, then obstructed by congressional conservatives, DeJa-Vu over and over again, for the Veterans Administration, continue to be mostly borrowed and if ever paid done so by future generations. The VA thus is still grossly under funded especially when related to wars aftermath for the coming decades after.

Fact: TX-19 Congressional Candidate Neal Marchbanks - Veteran: 28 March 2014 - "Congress controls the budget for the VA and it is the fault of Congress that the VA does not have enough employees and that the facilities are too small."

Fact: Sixth District Congressional candidate Seth Moulton: "Congress has made 'travesty' of veterans care" 05/14/2014

Read 'Congress' as the 99%plus People Served!!!

Fact: “We are dealing with veterans, not procedures—with their problems, not ours.” —General Omar Bradley, First Administrator of the Veterans Administration

Fact: "If military action is worth our troops’ blood, it should be worth our treasure, too — not just in the abstract, but in the form of a specific ante by every American." -Andrew Rosenthal 10 Feb. 2013

Fact: “Why in 2009 were we still using paper?” VA Assistant Secretary Tommy Sowers “When we came in, there was no plan to change that; we’ve been operating on a six month wait for over a decade.” 27 March 2013

Much of what comes from Research and Development, and first hand initial filling any needs, treatments, equipment and improvements on etc., and often with collaborations with Universities and Colleges, with no royalties shared as the private sector uses for profit, in the DoD and VA, not only in health care, is then used to improve the private sector in the similar area's, like health and care, so it's never monies wasted, it's investments into an improved society and world!

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